Dreamy Elk Photography & Design: Austin Wedding Photographer

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adelaide ellen ross

Life update!

I’ve been a little silent here on my blog & on social media but that’s because of a new little lady in my life. My daughter Adelaide was born October 29 & we are completely smitten!

Our son Maclin has taken her appearance in stride & completely adores her. He loves burping her, holding the bottle, & asks to hold her all the time. He even jumps on the couch to put his arm on a pillow without being asked. Never once did he question the fact that she used to be in my belly & now she’s a separate person than me. The hardest part has been keeping him off of her or preventing him from picking her up out of the swing (which he’s done). He just wants to hug & squeeze her so much & he doesn’t understand how strong he is compared to her. He’s still wants to snuggle with me so at any given point I’m trying to hold both of them at once. Not complaining.

Just this week Adelaide began smiling & her first big smile was to her big brother. Since I had both hands on her & trying to hold both of them at once (see previous paragraph), I let him try to video her smiling & it’s hysterical.

I had a planned induction on Thursday, October 29, but I spent a few hours late Monday night with contractions. I told my husband after they sent me home that I had just tried really hard to have her without being Covid tested. I was honestly dreading that more than labor. At least with labor I knew what to expect.

When Maclin was born my husband had the flu. It still makes me cry that Jake couldn’t kiss Maclin until he was 2 days old & he had to wear a mask the entire time. I was looking forward to a mask-free delivery for baby #2. Joke’s on me.

To save you the details, I’ll simply say that neither I nor Adelaide had any complications, with the exception of my epidural only working on my right leg. By the time I realized the problem, it was too late & baby girl was coming. Thankfully the worst only lasted twenty minutes, but I’d rather not go through that again. Like, ever.

Leading up to that day, I was curious as to how things at the hospital would be different because of Covid, & I’m happy to say that it was mostly normal. Yes, I did wear my mask throughout all of labor (I was proud of myself), & no, we weren’t allowed any visitors. By the time we got there, I was ok with the no visitor thing until we were trying to leave. My poor husband was wanting to get us home (understandably) & questioned why I was pulling out a letter board with her birth announcement. I may have broken down crying because it hit me then that I didn’t have my mom to help me dress her. No one was there to snap photos as we made our way down the hallway & out to the car to put into the baby book. This was important & no one was there to see it. I didn’t even get to see Adelaide’s first bath.

I won’t pretend that the transition to two kids has been easy, but I will say that going from 1 to 2 kids has been easier than going from none to 1. This time around we kind-of-sort-of-but-not-really know what we’re doing & a few things have been easier.

But who am I kidding? I’m still exhausted.