Dreamy Elk Photography & Design: Austin Wedding Photographer

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bruce&tamie {mr & mrs}

I'm so excited to share this couple with you today! Bruce & Tamie are celebrating their 32nd wedding anniversary today & what better way to demonstrate their love than with a spoof of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie poster?

Bruce & Tamie were my Sunday School teachers while I was in grad school & I so enjoyed getting to know them over the years. They have such big hearts for students (all ages!) & host weekly dinner nights at their home. (I think they started this at least ten years ago!?) For a lot of us, this was the only home cooked meal we got every week! We all also took full advantage of their huge library. Speaking of, I have a huge stack waiting to be returned to them as I write this.

Along those lines, Tamie has recently taken the jump into writing books, & I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised when I couldn't put her first book down. Her Best Girl Series is a romantic comedy, & the Alora series is more sci-fi, all good clean fun, which is rare these days. She has just started a serial book which she posts the next segment on her blog every week. Go check it out!!

Tamie has let me be one of her beta readers & it really is fun seeing a book grow from an idea into a finished novel. I've never gotten so frustrated & excited for fictional characters as I did when reading about the Best girls. Do yourself a favor & go read her books. Find her on Goodreads, Amazon, & her website.

Oh, & Bruce is pretty cool too. He likes guns. He's a lawyer. :) haha

Happy anniversary, you two!